Friday, December 17, 2010

Look Mom!

Look what I can do now!

She pulled this trick today! I swear she just learned to crawl and now she is trying to pull up all the time on stuff and climb over it, as you see.  I am happy she's doing all these things of course, but boy could she slow down a bit?

Just the other day I was going through pictures from birth until now and could not believe how much shes changed and of course all the stuff she's been through since she was born.  She is growing so fast and I can't seem to keep up, so glad we're able to capture this on camera and video. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

7 Month Follow Up

Miss K turned 7 months on Wed this week! I forgot to take a picture (bad mom) but I took one the next day LOL so here she is:

What a Cutie!

Is it me or is her hair much blonder in this picture? A lot of days it's more strawberry blonde, but here to me she looks all blonde.
She also had her 6 month well check on Thursday this week.  I was curious to see how much she had gained weight wise because she feels soo heavy toting around lol

So here are her 7 month stats on 12/9/10:

Weight: 15lbs 3oz
Height: 25.75 inches
Head: 42.5 cm

Previous Stats:

8/20/10-2 month check up (she's 3.5 months at this visit)
Weight 11 lbs, 12 oz 
Height: 23.5 inches long
Head: 40.5 cm

10/1/10-4 month check up (she's almost 5 months at this visit)
Weight 13 lbs, 4 oz 
Height: 24 inches
Head: 41.5 cm

Looks like shes gaining about a pound a month, she's on the 25% percentile for height and weight.  Funny to me since our other 2 girls were in the 75%-95% percentiles.  She's thriving though, so no concerns unless she starts dropping on the charts.

She is still crawling and getting into EVERYTHING now lol She loves to find little things on the floor, pieces of paper, fuzz balls, a tiny sequin, basically you name it, she finds it, even after vacuuming! :) She is keeping me on my toes for sure. Though I wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

7 Months

How does 7 months fly by so fast that you feel like you blinked and missed it all? Well I don't feel like I missed it all but I (we) were in such a daze the first three months of K's life with surprise birth defect, many UAB appointments, major surgery, more appointments that we never settled into a normal routine.  Once we got over the hump of craziness I saw her grow into an adorable 7 month old little girl. I just feel like I missed out on so much those first few months.

Life is so bittersweet right now, my baby is crawling and getting into everything.  She's eating baby food and loves it, so far we've not found one she'll turn her nose at.  She gets frustrated when you don't get her food fast enough and boy does she let you know. We brought out some old baby toys of H's today and she dove right in and loves them.

First Christmas.....not sure I am ready for this.  I can't believe that she will be 7.5 months old and having her first Christmas. I want to cry in sadness that she's growing so fast, but yet the tears are mostly happy ones because she's doing what "typical" babies are doing. 

Happy 7 Months Kaitlyn!

Friday, December 3, 2010

On The Move

She is on the move, literally.  Over the Thanksgiving weekend Kaitlyn was trying to SO hard to crawl, she got the motion going forward, once with each knee, and then down she'd go.  It was quite comical, she really wanted to get to the Christmas tree skirt my mom had.  I figured it would be a little longer before she "got" it, but alas I was wrong.  She's been trying since then and yesterday it really clicked. She was all over the floor, crawling towards the computer cord, towards her toys, towards her sisters and places she shouldn't be! Gotta get to baby proofing now!

What most people don't realize is, this is major.  Sure any baby that starts crawling, is amazing, but to take a baby/child that has Spina Bifida, when you just aren't sure if they'll crawl, walk etc. It's MAJOR.  We tried to remain positive of course she would as she's had great leg movement, but her left foot not so much. So far we're on course for a typical baby at almost 7 months. 

Check out my little mover!