Friday, December 9, 2011

Quick Surgery Update

I am very behind on posting since we had found out K needed surgery, sorry about that.  However, surgery went as planned on Dec 6th. We're still at UAB, until at least Sunday the earliest, but surgery went well overall.  Internet is spotty for some reason, so I'll wait until we are home to come back and post a full story about everything.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just found your blog via the spina bifida forum. We are also in Alabama, just outside B'ham. Our LilBit has lipomyelomeningocele occulta. She just turned one Monday. Just wanted to introduce myself, let you know I 'get it'. I'm still new to this journey too, but I get it. The dramatic first thoughts and worries and fears, to coming to grips with it all, taking things in stride. The being excited over even the simplest of milestones..milestones are truly a mile high, aren't they? And then another let down when a milestone isn't reached 'on time', you get all worried and dramatic again. I can only imagine how discouraging to have your daughter *thisclose* to walking, to reaching that milestone that was so sketchy...only to be hit with another surgery. I'll pray things are all clear and she progresses quickly. :)
